Monday, 24 August 2009

A Stepmum Cafe first !!!!

What can I say !!! Thank you Mesina for bestowing this award.
Ist brought a smile to the beginning of a new week.

The Rules:

1. List five current obsessions

2. Pass the award onto five other blogs

hmmmm, my obsessions? Well here goes:

1. Hubby- Can you call your husband an obsession? I suppose seeing as I love him to bits and is No. 1 in my life I can get away with it.

2. Stepdaughter - I do obsess over SD, I obsess that one day she will see that all we have ever wanted was what was best for her.

3. Photography - I have completed my Level 1 City & Guilds, but can't afford Level 2 at the mo. Doesn't stop me from clicking away though!

4. Moving - want Hubs to get Swindon job, but also want him to be happy in what ever role he gets.

5. Write a book - one day I will actually get off my butt and grow my synopsis into a completed book!

Now for five lovely blogs I feel deserving of this award:

1. La Belle Mere - A down to earth lady
with a fantastic blog. Her writing style and wit make for an enjoyable read and you do not even have to be a stepparent to appreciate it.

2. The Stepmom's Tool Box - Peggy is a wonderfully caring lady and has set up the stepmom's toolbox to provide resources and help for those stepmums struggling in a blended family.

3. With Eyes Wide Open - I love this blog. It is a warm and honest insight into a stepmothers life. We worth the read!

4. Kimmythingy - You know all those things that are necessity but dont hit you in the face until you need them, well kimmythingy tells it like it is, with a sprinkling of wit.

5. The Wonderful World of Step-motherhood - This blog is thought provoking and a great read in all areas of life, not just step-motherhood.

Congratulations ladies.



  1. Oooooh thanks BAS!! I am honored!! xxx

  2. Thank you sweetie! I am so honored!


  3. Thank you sooo much!!! Very excited about this!

  4. Why thank you! Just got back from a vaca so sorry for the delayed thanks!!! I'll work on passing thing along as soon as I catch up!

  5. I have the same dream of writing a day. =) When I get off my butt too.
