Thursday, 27 August 2009

Lest we forget...

Hubby called from just outside Swindon, before his interview. He was stationary on the carriageway in traffic.

Then he told me of the lay-bys along the carriage way filled with veterans in their berets. It was a guard of honour. The slow and silent cortège of coffin filled hearse, lead by Police escorts, passed in front of him. He was witnessing the repatriation of our young men who had fallen in

We dare to get on with the day to day without a thought. I’m as guilty as the rest of us!

Now I can’t stop thinking of the men who are finally going home for the last time.



  1. Lovely post. Thanks for the reminder about how precious and fragile our lives are and how much we take for granted. - G

  2. Oh wow. Yes they usually come back into RAF Lyneham I think. I saw some around there a few weeks back as well. I was driving along stressing about BM, step-stuff etc... as usual, and then I passed a line of 5 Hearse with police guards and the union jack flag over each coffin. I suddenly felt extremely humble and guilty for stressing about such crappy stupid stuff. These young men did not deserve to die in such a senseless war - but lets not get political... It's so sad but it's moments like that remind us to be grateful for every minute we have on this earth.

  3. "Now I can’t stop thinking of the men who are finally going home for the last time."

    Seeing something like that makes all your other struggles seem a bit smaller, doesn't it?

  4. Hi Bas, thanks for popping by my blog! Nice blog you got here, and what a thought-provoking post this is. While I'm not an American, and there are much dynamics to this war I may not understand, my heart and prayers go out to these men, and their families. It sure isn't easy!

  5. Visiting from SITS. What a thing to witness. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. It certainly puts things into perspective.

  7. It really is so desperately sad.
    I'm definitely guilty of taking so much for granted. These young men should be applauded so much more for the courageous and heroic work that they do. It is horrific that this is the home-coming that they have :(

  8. thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a great comment! love love love comments! :)

    i tagged you in a meme, to say thanks, to get you to come back...and to get people to stop by your blog!

  9. What a great reminder. Its so easy to get wrapped up in the mundane forgetting just how much others lay on the line. They all have families and loved ones who'd say this was their worst fears. My heart goes out to all of them ♥

  10. Out visiting around..
    The husband and I were pulling up to the main Air Force base in Germany. Spotted a herse and commented on how all lanes closed until it went by. Then we noticed the flag over the coffin in the back. They headed to the guarded section of the air port where the coffin would be greated and loaded into a plane home. It does make one stop and remember. I actually miss hearing TAPS at night. They don't play it on our small base anymore.
