Monday, 3 August 2009

The Stepmothers Prayer

Dear Lord,

Help me to have the patience of a saint when I see my stepchildren get away with the things I did not.

Give me the intelligence of MENSA combined to know everything I need to and already should on raising another’s child.

Help me keep a level head when my husband is mistaken for the ATM machine and keep my feet on the ground when a few kicks up the behind are in order.

Let me have understanding in all things even when half of the requests, such as you need to take the kids on holiday baffle me when they were taken out of the country for a two week holiday three months before!

Help me be the loving mother to children that wont let me.

I pray you can work these miracles of miracles.


~ Written by BAS


  1. Showing you some SITS love! The new blog layout/format is gorgeous. I love it. Very feminine and "stepmother-esque."

    Happy Monday!

  2. Thanks Erin for dropping by. I think hubby is just not in touch with his feminine side. I think thats what Im for lol.

  3. Love the new format!!!! Love the post!

  4. Thanks Life. I think its here to stay!

  5. Not a stepmom.

    But I dig the blog.

    Over from SITS.

    Sweet dreams.

  6. I can dig the prayer. :) I whimper a variation of my own at times.

  7. what a great post! not a step mom but do understand that it must be difficult shoes to walk in.. i know more than anyone walking in someone elses shoes is the hardest thing to do and kudos to you for trying so hard! bless you!
    stopping by this evening from sits roll call from the morning! ;) i had 2 posts today on my blogs stop by and say "hi!"
